I, Ayisatu have now got a full-time job. I hear you saying ‘But, Ayisatu, you’re always working’ ‘ Idaraya Life does such good work’ or ‘I thought it was quiet around here these last couple of months’.
Well the rumours are true (I know there are no rumours) but I have decided to wind down the massive programme I had at Idaraya Life CIC in favour of a monthly salary, I am not solely responsible for sourcing. (Read more about the pressure running a social venture had on me later)
It felt like the reverse of an evolution. Like I’ve gone backwards just when I had regained strength. But often one has to stop, to regain strength and ensure you’re in the right direction. My version of stopping looks more like slowing down.
There have been many lessons to learn, share and embed but most importantly, as my lovely friend Alice Coren of ReMade Wigan said on the Proper Good Podcast ‘we don’t get a discount on our mortgage for doing community work’. Ain’t that the truth.
So, as I morph into a full time employee and wrestle with my conscience, vision, life’s purpose and taxes, I say hello again to you, lovely reader. I say thank you for your curiosity. I say it’s not over till the Fat Lady sings (la la laaaaa), and I look forward to supporting even more people to set up ethical businesses that get’s their bills paid while also doing the best we can for the community.
The truth is, I know that the social enterprise model is the way forward for us as living beings. The blend of the capitalist technique of finding ways to have people part with their hard-earned cash at a profit while providing much-needed services and healthy safe spaces for growth and development in communities is how we stunt the vigorous progress of injustice, inequity and just plain sadness in our lifetime – Capitalism won’t die. Still, we can salvage some of its components for good.
Through coaching and training other leaders, I have already started to support our local social enterprises as a Learning and Enterprise Manager at Flourish Together CIC.
As Founding Director of Idaraya Life CIC, I will continue to give time to support my local community to connect across life stages and cultural boundaries. Through our podcasts, research, group walks, bike rides and social gatherings, we will continue to connect, give, learn, move and be mindful.
So, check out our updated schedule of events.
We are always grateful for walkers, crafters and cycling women who are up for volunteering with us ( even if you’ve never done it before – we got training!) See where we need volunteers and let us know if you are free that day to help.
I guess the (D)evolution doesn’t look so bad after all. I can continue to help women find ways to realise their agency over their health, joy and social life. Life is for living and this is what my life looks like right now.
Speak soon,