WLM Women's Network

Wigan, Leigh

and Makerfield

Women's Network

The Question?

How might we make Wigan the best place for Women?

We are a collective of women who Live, Work and Play in the Wigan Borough.

We have a deep desire to live in a world where every woman feels welcome, cared for and powerful.

The seed of this network has been planted within us all and we want to see what a woman positive Wigan looks like.

Hello world

The invitation.

Do you want to live in a Wigan that is safe, welcoming and democratic for women? Come Join us.

The 'Current' Collective

The women in the room, We know many will join.

Hello world
Hello world

Dreaming. Scheming. Believing


As a collective, we went to Grasmere to dig deep into our whys and understanding where we are now and where we go to next.

We challenged our hearts and minds, wrote poetry, hiked up a hill and tasted very special Gingerbread. We gathered our thoughts and below we share our agreed Ways of Being. We are a proactively evolving collective and acknowledge that our Ways of Being will evolve with us.

Ways of Being

We will lead with Kindness and Trust

We will prioritise Rest and Joy

We will be Cross Generational 

We will be Cross Cultural

We will create a Safe Space

We will focus on the Needs of women and young children 

We strive to be Independant 

We will stay Aware of the changing world we exist in

We will lead with Courage and Bravery

We will favour Local suppliers

For more information contact us at ayisatu@idaraya-life.org